Thanks to the double latte I had this evening, I'm posting a couple of pictures of my last finish, Patchwork Puzzle. Week after week of wetter than usual Portland weather made it almost impossible to photograph the quilt, so with its birthday gift date approaching (late May), I had to settle for a few closeups.
I had a terrible time deciding which overall quilting pattern to choose and settled on a simple floral/leaf design. I vetoed anything with stars, because the quilt has so many star blocks, and I nixed traditional feathers because they didn't seem quite right either. Something about this quilt has a 'southwest' look to me and for a second I considered a Native American mosaic of Kokopelli/bear/eagle feather symbols, but decided against it just as quickly.
The backing fabric looks terribly drab in this picture, but it has a bit of every color used on the front of the quilt, and I was thrilled to find it.
I have one more gift quilt to make for a friend's new granddaughter. I bought several bright fat quarters and pulled a couple of fabrics from my meager stash to make a New Wave quilt. I got it about 80% finished and decided it just wasn't the quilt I wanted to make for this baby girl. Instead, I'm going to use Thimble Blossoms' Picnic Rollup pattern with Bliss fabric for the top, minus the ties and rock pockets, of course. I think it'll be sweet.